The Multiplier Event_E2 organized by the University of Poznan was held on 25th February 2022 to present and share the results reached in IO 3, related to the e-learning virtual laboratory platform which was built by the BRIGHT consortium.
The target groups of the Multiplier Event organized was colleagues involved in teaching 3D printing/ CAD / CAE / Materials Science and Strength of Materials / Flexible manufacturing systems/ Process optimization and software control / Medical Engineering, including teaching staff, students and other people involved in teaching 3D printing in Higher education in their respective organizations. The 2nd Multiplier event was also opened to other partners that are interested about developing, producing and testing of medical parts by 3D printing methods (medical institutes, clusters, City hall institution). The objective of this multiplier event was to present and share the results reached in intellectual output 3, related to the e-learning virtual laboratory platform which was built by the BRIGHT consortium in order to emphasize on different case studies coming from the medical sector, in virtual mode / interactive teaching, which are the steps and procedures that are required to be followed in the case of developing of new product / testing new material, starting from CAD stage (CAD room), continuing with pre-validation using finite element methods (CAE stage / room), simulation and settings of 3D printing process in peculiarized mode that producing of medical parts are imposing (3D printing room) and testing of these parts for final validation right at the end (Mechanical and medical testing room for final validation). BRIGHT virtual laboratory rooms are open access and starting from teaching the examples provided, students and professor are able to experience the facilities of virtual laboratory rooms in personalized mode, for new cases that are aimed to be developed, produced and tested for medical sector.