Dear BRIGHT participants,
we would like to thank you for attending to BRIGHT International Summer School 2022 edition!
For following up for the next activities organized within BRIGHT project, please join us on Facebook and Instagram or please try to contact us.
Wish you all BRIGHT summer days and thank you for attending the BRIGHT International Summer School 2022 edition which was organized by the Juraj Dobrila University of Pula (Croatia) in cooperation with BRIGHT partners’ consortium!
For registration please fill out the Attendance Form (click here) with all data requested but not later than 15th of July 2022.

BRIGHT International Summer School on: “3D experience platform for medical applications” is organized by Juraj Dobrila University of Pula (Croatia) in cooperation with BRIGHT consortium experts that are coming from different European Technical Universities (TU of Cluj-Napoca (Romania), TU Poznan (Poland), Univ of Nis (Serbia) and STU Bratislava (Slovakia) and two SMEs (BIZZCOM s.r.o. of Slovakia and B.M Plast d.o.o of Croatia) under the frame of ERASMUS KA 226 BRIGHT project.
Summer school is organized and addressed to students and professors that are coming from University Institutes of EU and non-EU countries. Places are not limited just for the BRIGHT consortium partner’s institutes; any student, scientist, researcher or professor who intends to apply is more than welcome to apply to the BRIGHT International Summer School 2022 edition. The activities of this event that is organized „free of charge” are scheduled to be organized with physical presence at Istrian Development Agency in Pula (IDA d.o.o – in the period 18-29.07. 2022.
Main aim of the BRIGHT International Summer School 2022 edition
The main aim of this event is to familiarize the attendees with the personalized and project based teaching methods used in Higher education and the efficiency of these methods in using the BRIGHT project resources, especially e-virtual platform created by the BRIGHT consortium to support the attendees in getting knowledge and practical skills in developing, producing and testing of medical parts made by 3D printing technologies. Beside the testing of the functionality of the e-laboratory platform conceived by the BRIGHT consortium in designing, CAE simulation, 3D printing settings, manufacturing and final testing process, the atendees of this event will be able to experience and develop AR / VR programming for certain medical applications that are aimed to be developed in the BRIGHT project in continuing.
Content of the BRIGHT International Summer School
The BRIGHT International summer school intends to be very dynamic and interactive for students and professors that will be involved in the activities that are scheduled to be organized in these two weeks.
The main principles of Computer Aided Design (CAD), Computer Aided Engineering (CAE), 3D printing and Rapid Tooling methods, Process optimization and software control , Mechanical and Medical tests, combined with modern methods of Virtual Reality / Augmented Reality programming are aimed to be provided at the BRIGHT International Summer School by the professors involved in the organizing of this event (2022 edition). A brief overview of the BRIGHT International summer school 2022 edition can be found bellow:
Who can apply to the BRIGHT International Summer School?
- Bachelor students (BSc)
- Master students (MSc)
- PhD students
Eligible specializations are: Technical (Manufacturing Engineering, Mechatronics and Robotics, Mechanical engineering, Bio-mechanical Engineering, Science of Materials, Automatics and Computer Science), Physics, Chemistry, Medicine & Pharmacy specializations Good English language skills is required (level B2 is recommended)
How to apply to the BRIGHT International Summer School?
In order to apply to the Summer School, it is enough to simply fulfill the Attendance Form with all data requested but not later than 15th of July 2022.
Which are the main benefits for attending participants to the BRIGHT International Summer School?
All participants will receive certificate of participation to the Summer School
Practical activity scheduled for the students in their curriculum for the summer period will be recognized within the participating institutes of the BRIGHT consortium
Possibility to work on different topics related to 3D printing technologies / medical applications for diploma projects / MSc / PhD thesis is going to be ensured by the BRIGHT consortium experts for all participants to the BRIGHT International Summer School which have the intention in continuing their work in this domain in the next following years.
Location of the Agency that is hosting the BRIGHT International 2022 summer school edition event: Istrian Development Agency in Pula
Participants at the BRIGHT International 2022 event are requested to look for private accommodation via Booking, AirBnb, etc.
For more questions, concerns or supplementary information / support please contact us using the contact form.
Thank you and we are looking forward to meet you at the BRIGHT International Summer School 2022 edition in Pula (Croatia)! Updated info will be available soon on the BRIGHT project webpage and BRIGHT project Facebook page, so please stay tuned for the next BRIGHT surprises that are ready to be announced in the next period by the BRIGHT consortium in July!