Transnational Projects Meeting TPM – KICK OFF MEETING

Kick-off meeting hosted by Technical University of Cluj-Napoca on 19.03.2021 

The first meeting organized by the BRIGHT project by the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca together with the BRIGHT partners’ consortium, even if it was held “online” on the Teams platform, it was filled by emotions, but also filled with lot of enthusiasm, since all partners have shared at the beginning of the meeting part of their experience and expertise gained in the last years in the field of 3D printing methods and how they can bring added value in the BRIGHT project to prepare specialists that will be able to support hospitals and medical institutions that are aiming to be involved in developing, producing and testing of medical parts from different types of materials and different types of 3D printing methods in order to contribute to the saving of lives in the context of the pandemic. At the first part of the meeting we were honored by the presence of Vice Rector for International Relations Prof.dr.eng. Dan MÂNDRU (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca – TUCN) which have shared the vision of TUCN on long-time basis, which aims to increase the Internationalization of the University in the next upcoming years.

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