E3 – Multiplier Event – BRIGHT personalized teaching method for Higher education – 30th September 2022, Pula, Croatia

The 3rd multiplier event was held on 30th September 2022 by Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Croatia at the Medical school & Sveta srca. The target groups of the Multiplier event organized are colleagues involved in teaching 3D printing/ CAD / CAE / Materials Science and Strength of Materials / Flexible manufacturing systems/ Process optimization and software control / Medical Engineering, including teaching staff, students and other people involved in teaching 3D printing in Higher education in their respective organizations. The 3rd Multiplier event will also be opened to other partners that are interested about developing, producing and testing of medical parts by 3D printing methods (medical institutes, clusters, City hall institution) in order to ensure a maximum audience, since these institutions provided letter of support for the BRIGHT project and expressed their intention to be involved in boosting the scientific level of teaching and research activities / transferable results of the BRIGHT project as well.


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