The Multiplier Event_E1 organized and facilitated by UNI was held on 17th September 2021 at Science Technological Park, NIš to present the results of the intellectual output IO1, IO2 and BRIGHT summer school to an invited audience composed of academic institutions representatives and industry experts affiliated mainly to regional companies.
The target groups of the Multiplier event were colleagues involved in teaching 3D printing/ CAD / CAE / Materials Science and Strength of Materials / Flexible manufacturing systems/ Process optimization and software control / Medical Engineering, including teaching staff, students as well as other people involved in teaching 3D printing in Higher education in their respective organizations. The 1st Multiplier event has also been opened to business partners that are interested about developing, producing, and testing of parts by 3D printing methods (not just medical institutes, clusters, City Hall institutions) in order to ensure a maximum audience. The objective of this multiplier event was to present and share the results reached in intellectual outputs IO1, IO2 and BRIGHT summer school held in Cluj-Napoca in July 2021, related to the course modules developed to sustain the BRIGHT curriculum and e-toolkit manual about case studies related to the development of different products coming from the medical sector, from CAD stage, to pre-validation using finite element methods, manufacturing of part by 3D printing methods and testing of these parts for final validation right at the end.