The second transnational meeting was organized at the University of Nis in Serbia from 15th to 16th of September 2021. The event was on-site attended by representatives of the 5 partners: Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (UTCN) – Romania, University of Nis (UNI) – Serbia, Sveuciliste Jurja Dobrile u Puli (UNIPU) – Croatia, BM Plast – Croatia and Bizzcom s.r.o. – Slovakia. Due to Covid 19 restrictions for business travelling, two partners were virtualy attended the meeting: Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (STU) – Slovakia and Politechnika Poznanska (PUT) – Poland. The purpose of the meeting: the Executive team and the Technical team meet in order to monitor the first stage of the project (IO1 report and IO2), the direction of the plan activity of the project, to take several measures if such measured are imposed due to delays from the project management plan or due to unpredicted risks caused by pandemic context and finally to plan the next activities to be developed within the BRIGHT project in IO3 with clear tasks allocated to the Technical Team and/ or the Communication Team. At this meeting the Financial Team provide one detailed report about all the expenses / status of the Timesheets / new regulations imposed in pandemic period and urgent measures that might be carried out from the financial point of view / financial reports if needed.